Seasons by CaterSafe

Introducing The ‘Seasons’ Food Safety Program for Aged Care

Being mindful of food safety in aged care is just one part of the complex puzzle of owning, directing or managing an Aged Care Centre, it really is a huge task! Not only do you plan for the future, but you also manage the day to day business, deal with residents, relatives, nursing staff, carers…

…The list is endless, but your time is limited.

food safety in aged care

Have you ever paused for a moment to consider the Food Safety for those in your care? Food safety in aged care is crucial, a critical Food Safety incident could severely damage your good business reputation and it is possible that it could happen at any time.

Catering for ‘vulnerable’ people is a challenge. It calls for a robust, well documented Food Safety Program. You no doubt, have a Food Safety Program in place but are you confident that it will withstand scrutiny should a Food Safety incident occur? 

Now may be the time to review your plan or, simply replace it and introduce a new CaterSafe Food Safety Program. 

Your CaterSafe Food Safety Program will be tailored to your facility’s needs. 

Best of all, it will meet the requirements of the Australian & New Zealand Food Standards Code, State and Territory Food Acts & Regulations plus, most importantly it will ensure the ongoing provision of Safe Food for those in your care.

We care deeply about food safety. Find out more about why to choose CaterSafe food safety programs when considering food safety for kids, or have a look at our frequently asked questions to learn more about our approach and our food safety programs.

Contact the CaterSafe Food Safety Program experts to find out more about the Seasons food Safety in aged care program or for more information about how we can provide your Pathway to Safe Food.